16 Jul 21 - Village life

Summerset celebrates Matariki 2021 (2-10 July)

This Matariki (Māori New Year), Summerset residents put their pens to paper and their creative minds to work for a new poetry competition.

The challenge – to write a piece of poetry that best captured the spirit of Matariki.

In Māori culture, Matariki is a time spent with loved ones celebrating new life, reflecting on the past and remembering those who have passed. We wanted to see these themes of gathering, celebrating, reflecting and connecting in the poetry.

We certainly weren’t disappointed. Our guest judge, NZ Performer and Poet Pinky Agnew, had the tough decision of narrowing the entries down to only three winners.

A big congratulations to:

  • Carol Don Ercolano – Summerset in the Sun, Nelson

  • Shirley Knuckey – Summerset Mountain View, New Plymouth

  • Annie Walter – Summerset by the Sea, Katikati

Pinky had such a long list of favourites and so to honour her runner-ups, she created her own category of Honourable Mentions.

She said: “The entries were a joy to read. All wove in Matariki themes, such as family, loss, reflection, new life, and renewal. Some were powerfully spiritual, others deeply honouring of nature, as well as evoking celebration and gathering.”

You can read a selection of these poems in our e-booklet online.

Our villages celebrated Matariki in their own special ways, such as for our Summerset Mountain View village in New Plymouth, Matariki was all about coming together to have fun! Residents made their own poi, tasted delicious fried bread, and listened to Māori songs.