2023 Resident Photo Competition

Thank you for showing interest in our 2023 resident photo competition. We hope you have enjoyed taking photos of the vast range of landmarks around New Zealand. The 12 best photos as determined by the judges will feature in the 2024 Summerset Calendar.

To enter the competition:

Email photocomp@summerset.co.nz before midnight on 11 August 2023:

  • Use the subject line "Resident photo competition 2023 entry"

  • Include a copy of your photo

  • Include the photographer's name, village, phone number and image description

Below are the full terms and conditions for the 2023 resident photo competition.

Terms & Conditions

2023 Resident Photo Competition

Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Entry into this competition is deemed as acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

The competition closes at midnight on 11 August 2023, and is open to Summerset residents only. The 12 best photos, as determined by the judges, will become the Winners. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Summerset Management Group Ltd reserves the right to publish the winning photos, and the name, photographs and village of the winners, in the 2024 Summerset Calendar and/or any other online or print publications of Summerset Management Group Ltd.

As a condition of entering this competition, the entrant irrevocably grants to Summerset Management Group Ltd a non-exclusive royalty-free licence to store the images submitted and use all images free of charge in any of Summerset Management Group Ltd’s online and print publications for an indefinite period.

Each entrant warrants to Summerset Management Group Ltd that:

(a) each entry submitted is an original photographic work of the entrant that does not infringe the rights of any third party; and

(b) he or she has obtained the consent of any person featured in a photograph and owners of recognisable photographed property to submit the photograph and for it to be used as outlined here.

The entrant agrees to indemnify Summerset Management Group Ltd against all costs and claims by third parties arising from a breach of these warranties. Entrants consent to any use of their entry which may otherwise infringe their moral rights pursuant to the Copyright Act 1994.